Unep Finance Initiative

vor 2 Wochen

Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

Result of Service

He/she will join the Individual review and feedback team, and engage in the Banking Team retreats periodically.

Work Location
Geneva (remote working possible)

Expected duration
10 months

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

The overall objective of the UNEP’s Economy Division is to encourage decision makers in government, local authorities and industry to develop and adopt policies, strategies and practices and technologies that promote sustainable patterns of consumption and production, make efficient use of natural resources, ensure safe management of chemicals and contribute to making trade and environment policies mutually supportive. It promotes the development, use and transfer of policies, technologies, economic instruments, managerial practices and other tools that assist in environmentally sound decision making and the building of corresponding activities.

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is the strategic partnership between the United Nations and over 450 banks, insurers and investors. For over 30 years UNEP FI has been shaping and driving the international sustainable finance agenda, setting global standards and growing a global network of leading financial institutions. Through its work-streams and regional activities, peer learning, methodology development, training and research, UNEP FI carries out its mission to help the financial industry align with and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and with that take on the crucial role it must play in achieving a sustainable future.

UNEP FI’s Banking Team is responsible for the initiative’s work with its over 400 member banks in more than 60 countries around the world. This includes overseeing and supporting the implementation of the Principles for Responsible Banking.

About the Principles for Responsible Banking:
On 22nd September 2019, UNEP FI member banks representing USD 47 trillion and with that over a third of the global banking industry officially signed and launched the Principles for Responsible Banking together with UN Secretary General Guterres. The Principles for Responsible Banking guide the change towards a new, sustainable global banking industry that takes on a key role in helping society to achieve its goals for a sustainable future. With these Principles, banks commit to strategically align their business with and scale up their contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals and the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate. The Principles are supported by a strong implementation framework that defines clear accountabilities and requires each bank to set, publish and work towards ambitious targets and report publicly on their positive and negative impacts and progress in implementing their commitments. Banks that are not in line with their commitments can be removed from the list of signatories.

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the Principles for Responsible Banking, accountability mechanisms were approved by the Banking Board. The Review team is responsible for designing and executing them. That includes the individual as well as the collective review process. It includes an annual review, feedback & support meeting (mostly virtual) between the UNEP FI Secretariat and each Signatory Bank, following the Signatory Bank’s annual reporting. In addition to ensuring each bank is making progress at an adequate speed and providing feedback and support, the outcomes and learnings from these meetings will feed into the broader peer learning and support structure all banks benefit from as well as the biennial collective progress report the community of Signatories has agreed to publish through UNEP FI.

The Review team also prepares cases of banks not in line with their commitments for the governance process.

The Review Team compiles and shares the data it gathers from the reviews in ways that enable the other teams to make good use of the data both for informing our guidance and support work and effectively managing the membership.

UNEP FI is thus looking for a Review Expert to support this feedback & support process.

Objectives & Expectations: The Sustainable Banking Experts leads engagements with PRB Signatory Banks to provide feedback & support for their effective implementation of the Principles. In addition to ensuring each bank is making progress at an adequate speed and providing feedback and support, the outcomes and learnings from these meetings feed into the broader peer learning and support structure all banks benefit from as well as into the biennial collective progress report the community of Signatories h

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  • Unep Finance Initiative

    vor 23 Stunden

    Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

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  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

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  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

    Result of Service Through these services the Initiative will be able to engage a broad range of financial institutions, including commercial banks, asset managers, insurers, and multi-lateral development banks and agencies in implementing global finance sector principles to catalyze integration of sustainability into financial market practice. The frameworks...

  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

    Result of Service The ultimate result of the service will be to support the ecosystem management work stream’s contribution to UNEP FI’s work plan under UNEP´s Project 623.3 indicated below, i.e. to support UNEP FI’s members in contributing to sustainable development worldwide. UNEP FI is focused on accelerating private sector financing for the UN...

  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

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  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

    Result of Service Through these services the Initiative will be able to engage a broad range of financial institutions, including commercial banks, insurers, and multi-lateral development banks and agencies in implementing global finance sector principles to catalyze integration of sustainability into financial market practice. The frameworks UNEP FI is...

  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

    Result of Service Through these services the Initiative will be able to engage a broad range of financial institutions, including commercial banks, asset managers, insurers, and multi-lateral development banks and agencies in implementing global finance sector principles to catalyze integration of sustainability into financial market practice. The frameworks...

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  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

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  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

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  • Geneve, Schweiz United Nations Vollzeit

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