Econometrician / Statistican
vor 16 Stunden
Our client is a bank in Zurich. We are looking for a professional (m, w, d) with specialization in numerical analysis as
Econometrician / Statistican
Developing statistic surveys for the bank / Be responsible for the content and results of the statistics / Processing data requirements of the various business areas and designing solutions / Support internal and external data users / Analyzing implications for technical implementation / Making recommendations for implementation / Coordinating the implementation work with the specialist in the areas / Making sure quality assurance / Ad hoc projects.
MSc in econometrics / Knowledge of macro
- and microeconomics / Professional experience with surveys / Strong analytical and conceptual skills / Flair for figures and complex interdisciplinary processes / Programming skills / Experienced in working with several databases / Committed and independent / Analytical, entrepreneurial, pragmatic personality / Assertiveness / Presentation skills / Editorial skills / English as well as German.
+41 44 254 90 10
coni + partner ag
Ivano Coni
Managing Director
Klosbachstrasse 107
8032 Zürich
+41 44 254 90 10