Microscopy technician

vor 2 Monaten

Freiburg, Schweiz Etat de Fribourg Vollzeit
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Vous aimeriez contribuer au développement du canton de Fribourg, avez l'esprit du service public, et cherchez un poste varié qui fait sens ? A l’Etat de Fribourg vous travaillerez pour le plus grand employeur du canton. A l’écoute, dynamique et tournée vers l’avenir, l'administration cantonale, et ses établissements, sont au service de la population fribourgeoise.Microscopy technicianQui sommes-nous?

Enseignement, recherche, emplois, événements: l’Université de Fribourg est un espace d’innovations et un moteur important pour la vie économique et culturelle de la région. Elle attire des étudiant-e-s et des chercheur-euse-s en provenance de toute la Suisse et du monde entier, elle marque le quotidien de la cité bilingue de Fribourg, depuis sa fondation en 1889.Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

L’Etat-employeur encourage la conciliation vie professionnelle et vie privée et offre un environnement et des conditions de travail attractifs à ses collaborateur-trice-s. Pour en savoir plus, suivez ce lien.Vos missions

We offer a fixed-term contract until 31.05.2026.

You will be part of the microscopy platform team at the Adolphe Merkle Institute and help with the daily operation of our multi-user facility. Your duties will involve preparing samples from material and biology research using standard protocols. Additionally, you will conduct experiments with researchers and students, operate and maintain the facility's sample preparation equipment, perform scanning and transmission electron microscopy, train users in the operation of the equipment, maintain laboratory supplies and inventory, and assist with scheduling facility activities and billing servicesElectron microscopy is a widely used technique for research groups at the University of Fribourg, including those in chemistry, biology, medicine, physics, geosciences, and the Adolphe Merkle Institute, as well as for external academic and industrial partners. Our facility is equipped with a transmission electron microscope (Tecnai Spirit with CryoTEM holder and tomography functions), a scanning electron microscope (Tescan Mira FEG SEM), and a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (ThermoFischer Scios 2). Both latter instruments are equipped with an analytical energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Additionally, the platform has access to a fully equipped ultramicrotome laboratory that includes Leica and Reichert microtomes. The facility is situated on the Plateau de Perolles in Fribourg. This position provides the opportunity to work with various advanced instrumentation and on different sample types and scientific projectsProfil souhaité


CFC (Certificat fédéral de capacité) or equivalent


Experience with biological sample preparation techniques for transmission electron microscopy, in particular ultramicrotomyExperience with biological TEM imaging; Additional skills like CryoTEM or Tokuyasu are advantageousA thorough understanding of data managementStrong organisational and communicative skills; Fluency in English and at least a good understanding of German or French


Diligence in preparing reports and carrying out experimental projectsAbility to document and communicate results and problems clearlyAbility to identify and solve problems independentlyAbility to work in a collaborative environmentWillingness to learnCoordonnées des personnes de contact

Dimitri Vanhecke (Write an email)